If I had to do it all again
As I was faced with this question, I began to look through time to find points where my life could have gone differently.
Hey there,
It’s me again. The guy with a lot of stories and lessons to share.
Interesting fact, as I am on this journey to having a digital footprint in the form of my works and my stories inspired by my experiences, I’m amazed by the things I have come to learn along the way. But that’s not the story today.
Something happened to me recently. Well, a lot has been happening, but let’s focus on one thing.
I was walking down the hallway of my department building (yeah, I’m still an engineering student) when someone came to me to ask a few questions about my design journey so far in hopes of learning a few things to hold on to as he embarks on his.
First of all, wow! That he recognises what I do and is influenced enough to want to hear from me gives me a feeling I’m still not used to.
Of all the things we talked about, there was one question that stuck with me. “If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?”. At first, I did not know how to answer but trust me to think of something valid on the spot.
“If I had to do it all over again, I would not change many things. I believe everything I have done or decisions I have made has brought me to this point.”
That’s the sleek answer. After giving it more thought, I thought to myself, this is an opportunity to rewrite your journey and make it better. It has to be different.
I shared a couple of things with him, and having given it more thought since then, these are my proposed edits to life’s design of my life.
I wish I found Design earlier, early as in my first year. I was too consumed with the thought that if I indulged in anything that was not academic, my chances of success would fall apart. I could not have been more wrong.
I wish I never quit selling eyewear. That entrepreneurial experience taught me a couple of things, and should I had stuck with it, I would be a much more entrepreneurial designer now.
Side Note: There’s a business side to being a designer, and it’s far more important than making things look pretty on many occasions.
I wish I joined a design community earlier.
I wish I submitted to a design mentor earlier.
I wish I had taken more time to absorb design basics through courses or a structured learning environment.
This is beginning to feel like an “I’m a genie, and you have only 3 wishes situation”, and I’m exceeding that limit, so, I would stop there.
Although I’m grateful for where I’m at, everything I listed would have made my design journey faster and easier. I’m just glad that everything I wish I could change can still be acted upon. So I’m good.
Two things to note
Everything I listed is applicable if you are learning a new skill. Use them.
Regret is sometimes an insignificant emotion to dwell on. Dwell on actions you could take to move forward instead.
A little something for you
I have a speaking engagement tomorrow, Saturday, 6th May 2023. Set a reminder here.
Don't miss out on this insightful conversation!
Watch this video on “12 things to know as a beginner”
Listen to this just cause AJR is a delight.